
Are you trying to learn a song "by ear"? Or maybe you thought of a great melody and wanted to get it down. Either way, having an instrument on hand to figure out the notes is super useful—but not always the most practical. That's why we made NoteBoard: we wanted something easy-to-use, playable with a computer keyboard, and not designed with a specific instrument in mind (because we don't all play piano!). Enjoy.

Note shift: Use the left and right arrows to shift the notes.
Highlighted key: Use the up and down arrows to shift the key.
Keyboard: Play notes with keys 1–6 and (or all number keys)
Your notes:

Want to find the key? Just copy your notes and paste them into KeyFinder!

Click the notes to play them and use the dropdown menus to change the settings. For best performance, use these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Play the notes using the first couple rows of your computer keyboard
  • Shift the scale with the left and right arrows
  • Change the key with the up and down arrows
  • Clear the recorded notes with the "Escape" key

Got some ideas for more functionality you'd like to see? Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

NOTE: We've avoided using note names like B♯ and F♭ for simplicity's sake, but acknowledge that these are preferred in some cases (e.g., the C♯ major scale).